The Pixel Perfect Anti Ageing Treatment

If you're looking for an anti ageing treatment that can take years away from your face after just one procedure, have you considered Pixel Perfect? It's a revolutionary anti ageing laser treatment that we believe to be a safe and effective solution to the effects of ageing, sun exposure, pores and acne scars on the face. Here's a little bit more about how it works, what kind of results you can expect and how long the process takes.

Pixel Perfect Anti Ageing Treatment

How Does it Work?

Pixel Perfect works by firstly creating thousands of microscopic perforations in the target area. These perforations remain intact, allowing your skin's top layer to heal in a much quicker time than normal. In fact, whilst traditional ablative laser treatments can come with the caveat of a 30-day recovery time, Pixel Perfect users will see a reduction in the healing time to approximately five days. Besides the obvious benefit of a much-reduced recovery time for patients, Pixel Perfect also comes with a much lower risk of complications or side effects. That's exactly why it comes recommended from our team of medical experts at Dundrum Clinic.

What is Pixel Perfect Used to Treat?

Although it is best known for the treatment of signs of ageing, it is also a popular and proven solution for the likes of:

  • Sun-damaged skin
  • The appearance of pores and acne scars
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Stretch marks
  • Skin lesions

As you can see, it can be used to treat a wide variety of imperfections. This isn't to say that anti ageing creams don't work or won't have the desired effect for you; we simply see Pixel Perfect as the better option for those of you looking for a longer-lasting solution to specific skin conditions. In our experience it is not at all uncommon for our patients to see a dramatic improvement in the appearance, health and vitality of their skin after just one Pixel Perfect treatment.

What Are the Side Effects of Laser Skin Resurfacing?

As we've already mentioned, Pixel Perfect comes with fewer risks than other laser skin treatments. Whilst you can expect the treated area to be red and flushed like a sunburn immediately after the straightforward procedure, this is completely normal and your skin will return to normal within approximately five days. Over the course of the short recovery period, if your skin starts to feel uncomfortable at any point then our doctors can prescribe you with over-the-counter medicine to help with that.

How Do I Get Started?

The first step to take is booking a consultation at Dundrum Clinic, which you can do online, via our Instagram or by calling us on 01 2166 778. A professional, initial consultation costs just €20 – refunded in full should you choose to take up treatment here. We will fully evaluate the skin condition or imperfection that you wish to treat and provide you with honest, professional advice on the best steps to take moving forward.